
Why Join

We are here for the local community and we need your support. We are always pleased to welcome new members into the Community Centre, so why not take a look at what's going on and join up to make a difference.

Why Join Whitley Community Centre

Meet new friends.
Be a part of the community.
Take part in activities.
Get Involved with local issues.
Organise and run an activity or class.
Use of our facilities.
Make a difference.

Getting Involved

If you want to do more you can play a more active role in the centres activities. Form your own group, club or arrange meetings and activities at the centre.

If you have an idea for a Class, a Group, a Club, an Activity, a Hobby that could involve others in the community please contact us if you not sure how to go about it, we will help to get you started, just contact us for friendly and helpful advice.

Are you a member of a community group, or club that's looking for a home or base for meetings and activities our community centre could be the place for you.

Contact us for more information.